Marine Ecosystem Engineering Laboratory

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Staff Members

TitleNameAcademic Interest
Prof.Daisuke KitazawaMarine food and energy production with ecosystem preservation
Assistant Prof.Jinxin ZHOUNumerical simulation towards the ecosystem of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture(IMTA)
Project ResearcherHongxia GAOEnvironment-friendly aquacultural engineering
Assistant ClerkAya FURUICHIAdministration
Assistant ClerkRyoko KISHIMOTOAdministration


GradeNameAcademic Interest
D2Teng TUThe effects of sessile organisms on benthic ecosystem
D2Kangnian WANGAnalysis of the motion of semi-closed flexible cages
D2Lei HUAnalysis of ocean plastic
D1Shenyi BAIInteraction between offshore wind turbines and cages
M2Huajin WANGAnalysis of water current in a closed cage
M2Yunzhou HANEnvironmental impact assessment of offshore wind
M1Yuhun LISet net fishery
M1Muhong YUTBD
Exchange StudentsYouri DOLLONTBD
Exchange StudentsJules PERRINTBD


TitleNameAcademic Interest
Senior CollaboratorYoichi MIZUKAMIFisheries engineering and dynamics of fishing gears
Senior CollaboratorAkira KUROSAKILinear type wave energy converter
Senior Collaborator(Nihon Univ.)Kyoichi OKAMOTOWater treatment
Research Fellow(Kogakuin Univ.)Akihisa KONNOOcean ice related study
Research Fellow(Shanghai Ocean Univ.)Junbo ZHANGSimulation on sustainable aquaculture technology
Research Fellow(Japan Fish. Res. Edu. Agency)Ichiro NAKAYAMAAquaculture system
Research Fellow(Japan Fish. Res. Edu. Agency)Kazumasa IKUTAAquaculture system
Research Fellow(JAMSTEC)Takero YOSHIDAMarine food and energy production with ecosystem preservation
Research Fellow(Yokohama National Univ.)Qiao LIWave energy converter, Environment-friendly aquacultural engineering
Research Fellow (Tokyo Univ. of Marine Science and Technology)Shuchuang DONGFisheries engineering
Assoc. Research Fellow(Yokohama National Univ.)Jialin HANMotion-controlled ship with wave energy harvesting


Graduate yearNameTitle of the thesis
2005(B)Hitomi ISHIZUKAA feasibility study of turbulence models for numerical simulation of physical environment in Lake Biwa
2006(M)Shuhei FUJIMOTOStudy on an individual-based model for blue mussels and their aquaculture
2007(M)Nobuyuki YAMAYOSHIPrediction of the benthic environment in the pond for shrimp cultivation by numeircal simulation
2007(B)Kazuya CHIBAThe effects of puddle wheel aerators in the pond for shrimp aquaculture
2007(B)Yudai UENOTreatment of waters for aquatic life by electrolysis
2008(M)Tomoyuki TSUNODAStudy on the motion of a feeding buoy and a mooring system using submerged floats
2008(M)Jing YANGNumerical simulation on circulation and stratification structures in the Caspian Sea
2008(B)Hiroshi MIZUKUKIImprovement of water quality by electrolysis using carbon electrodes
2009(M)Shunsuke AOBADevelopment of the treatment of waste waters by electrolysis using carbon electrodes
2009(M)Masamitsu KAJINAMINumerical analysis of the effects of eutrophication and climate change on water quality in deep lakes
2009(B)Hirosuke HIRANOImprovement of water quality by electrolysis using carbon electrodes - On the minimum electric current to decompose dissolved inorganic nitrogen -
2011(M)Toru YAGIReverse simulation for specifying the source of pollutant in marine environment
2012(D)-Kinoshita Lab.Sho ITOStudy on hydrodynamic characteristics of net-like structure with elastic deformation
2012(D)Md. Nazrul ISLAMModeling for predictive assessment and mitigation of cyanobacteria toxins in a eutrophic lake
2012(M)-Kinoshita Lab.Takafumi KONDOPrevention of bio-fouling to fishing nets by electrochemical methods
2012(M)Hiroki SHIMIZUStudy on mooring system of fish cage installed in variable depths
2013(M)Buntaro MURATAAnalysis of motion of automated net-hauling system in set net fishery
2014(D)Junbo ZHANGNumerical analysis of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture for biomitigation of marine ecosystem
2014(M)Kentaro CHIMURAMotion analysis of resonance type wave energy converter
2014(M)Sayuri TAYAAssessment of motion of marine animals around tidal or oceanic current turbine
2014(B)Mikihiro HIRATSUKAWater treatment by electrolysis using carbon-enclosed electrodes
2014(Pro. res.)Nobuo TANIGUCHIRemote islands development by ocean energy in Kozu Island
2014(JSPS res.)Md. Nazrul ISLAM (Prof. of Jahangirnagar Univ.)Assessment of the impacts of toxic materials on marine ecosystem by MEC and ECOPATH coupled model in Kamaishi Bay
Assistant Prof.(2015)Masatoshi FUJINODevelopment of new electrodes for electrolysis
2015(B)Kenji KATAGIRIWater treatment by electrolysis
2016(Int. stu.)Khaled EREQVibration mitigation of high speed ship
2016(Pro. res.)Junbo ZHANG (Prof. of Shanghai Ocean Univ.)Automated net-hauling system of set net fishery / Wave energy harvester
2016(Pro. res.)Makoto KANEHIRAInnovation of salmon aquaculture in Tohoku
2016(D)Jialin HANMotion-controlled ship with wave energy harvesting
2016(M)Marin DOHIPerformance analysis of an automated net-hauling system for set net fishery
2016(M)Hirotaka NAKASHIMAAnalysis of hydrodynamic forces and mooring system of a cage installed at variable depths
2016(B)Kensuke KAWABEWater treatment by electrolysis
2017(Visiting Associate Research Fellow)Lili LIUDynamics of fishing gears
2017(M)Sota KANNOFishing boat with wave energy absorber
2017(Assistant Clerk)Hiromi HATAKEYAMAAdministration
2018(Pro. res.)Jialin HAN (Assist. Prof. of Yokohama National Univ.)Motion-controlled ship with wave energy harvesting
2018(M)Qiaochu CHENDevelopment of monitoring system with fish-eye camera and analysis of fish image
2018(M)Xue ZHOUMotion analysis of hose net used in automated net-hauling system
2018(M)Shuai YUModel experiment and numerical analysis of motion and mooring system of a controllable depth cage
2018(M)Akito MOCHIZUKIFishing boat with wave energy absorber
2019(M)Sang Gyu PARKEcosystem simulation of deep lake and seashore
2019(M)Yue LIAutomated net-hauling system in set net fishery
2019(Short-term Visiting Researcher)Ataollah GHARECHAEInteraction between cage frames
2020(M)Guanglei XUAnalysis of underwater image
2020(M)Xuanda FENGMotion-controlled ship with wave energy harvester
2020(D)Jinxin ZHOUNumerical simulation towards the ecosystem of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture(IMTA)
2020(Assistant Prof.)Takero YOSHIDA (Currently JAMSTEC)Marine food and energy production with ecosystem preservation
2021(M)Kazuma EndoThe method of estimating parameters of an ecosystem model
2021(M)Daigo FuruichiAutomated net-hauling system of set net fishery
2022(M)Teng TUParameterization of an ecosystem model
2022(Assistant Prof.)Qiao LI (Currently Associate Prof. of Yokohama National Univ.)Wave energy converter, Environment-friendly aquacultural engineering
2022(Internship Student)Ryouta HAYASHIOcean ice related study
2022(M)Huaizhi ZHAOAnalysis of the motion of semi-closed rigid cages
2023(Pro. Res.)Shuchuang DONG (Currently Associate Prof. of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology))Environment-friendly aquacultural engineering
2024(Internship Student)Tom BERGAMELLIOcean Engineering
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